__/\__ ___________\_ _/___________ _) (_ | | _:______ ________ _____________ ______ ______ ._ __ . _ ___ .____|_ /_\ /_\__ / __ \_\ __/___._\ __/___:__\/_: ___/____. | / / \ / _/ _/ ./ \_\--. | \--. |\_/\/| \ | |_____.--/---.____/----/____\--|_____/________|__________| |-.________| ________________ _ ______ _____|_____|cDr/e^d .__\__ / __ \ ____/____.____/ / | /____/ ./ \_ \ | / _/ |_______|-----|______/-.________|___\ \ \____\ |_ _| )__________________________( How to install? Quite easy - just copy the mainfile (Jurassicmag) [here on disk it`s in the directory C:] in any directory of your HD. Don`t forget also to copy the complete DATA: directory here from disk, if not, Jurassic Pack will start without any module/cliparts! No assign-commands needed! Just do it! it`s jurassic! Sorry for all A500 Users - there`s no JP for you!!